Committee and Cell

Committee and Cell

VIMSAR Committee 2016


Date of Constitution :01-09-1997 (Vide G.O.No. 21908 dated 24-6-1997)
Member of committee : As perBye-law
Functions: As per Bye-law
Bye-law: Copy enclosed




1. Short Title, extent and commencement:


a) These Bye-laws shall be called “The Bye-lawsof the V.S.S Medical college & Hospital Society, Burla 1997. Now amended as the Bylaw of Swasthya Bikash Samittee of V.S.S. Medical College Hospital, Burla–2004.
b) It shall extend the apply to all the members,properties, activities and transaction of the Swasthya Bikash Samittee of V.S.SMedical college & Hospital, Burla.
c) It shall come into force on the date of theregistration of these Bye-laws.


2. Definition:-


In these Bye-laws, unless thereis anything repugnant to the subject or context.
a) “Act” means the Societies Registration Act 1860.
b) “Bye-laws” means the Bye-laws of SwasthyaBikash Samittee of V.S.S Medical college & Hospital, Burla, 1997.
c) “Secretary” means the Secretary of SwasthyaBikash Samittee of the V.S.S Medical college & Hospital, Burla.
d) “Seal” means the common seal of the SwasthyaBikash Samittee of V.S.S Medical college & Hospital Samittee, Burla. e) “Medical College” means the V.S.S MedicalCollege, Burla.
f) “Hospital” means the V.S.S MedicalCollege Hospital, Burla.


3) The Registration office of the SwasthyaBikash Samittee shall be situated at V.S.S Medical College and HospitalCampus, Burla until otherwise decided by the General Body.

The Samittee shall have acommon seal and shall sue and be sued as such.


4. The Aims and objectives of the Samittee areas follows : –


a) Promotion of patient care and treatment,activities, hospital services and training of personnel engaged in healthservices and create awareness among the public about public health, familywelfare and medical education issue and matters connected herewith.
b) Repair, maintenance and up keep of all assets of theHospital.


5. The business hours of the Samittee shall beas decided by the Executive Committee.



6. Authorities of the Samittee: –


a) The General Body shall be the authority forcontrol and administration of the Samitee. It may delegate its powers andfunctions to the Executive Committee and to such other Committees and officersof the Samittee as may be determined by the General Body from time to time.
b) All the day to day functioning of theSamittee shall vest with the Chairperson and Secretary of the Samittee as maybe decided by the General Body from time to time.
c) The Secretary shall represent the Samittee inall proceedings, judicial, quasi-judicial etc.
d) The Secretary of the Samittee shall have allpowers to sue and be sued, start cases, withdraw cases and shall be the Solecustodian of the property of the Samittee and shall take legal action as deemnecessary and proper in the interest of the Samittee subject to direction ofthe Executive Committee.